Movie Night with Regent Cinema Ashburton
In the summer of 2014, Bernard Jordan (Michael Caine) made global headlines. He had staged a great escape from his care home to join fellow war veterans on a beach in Normandy, commemorating their fallen comrades at the D-Day Landing 70th anniversary.
It was a story that captured the imagination of the world as Bernie embodied the defiant, can-do spirit of a generation that was fast disappearing. But of course, it wasn’t the whole story. It was an inspirational but sanitised retelling of one man’s need to come to terms with the lasting trauma of war.
Back to Real Farmer
For the next three months we are looking at the final sprays for finishing off our cereal and grass ...
This year the winter period has been a lot colder, and we have seen a lot more frosts this year comp...
After the last couple of years where winter- early spring has been memorable for heavy periods of ra...
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon met with a variety of Mid Canterbury farmers and agricultural suppo...
Protecting spring sown pasture from grass grub assumes new importance this season, following researc...
Sulphur deserves more attention that it gets. It is important for plants, cheap and can easily be in...